exit n. 1.出口,出路,太平门。 2.【电学】引出端;排气管。 3.外出;离去;死亡;【戏剧】退场(opp. entrance)。 make one's exit退出;退场;去世。 vi. 1.退出,离去。 2.死,去世。 vi. 〔拉丁语〕 【戏剧】退场 〔cf. exeunt; opp. enter〕.
Conduct exit interview and assist employee to complete exit procedure for resign 完成离职面谈,并协助离职人员办理离职手续。
“ a lot of companies are encouraging their line managers to do exit interviews 许多公司鼓励他们的产线管理人员做辞职后的约谈。
V . how can exit interview strategies be improved to find the causes of turnover 5怎样提高出公司面试战略,发现员工流动的真正原因?
Participant in exit interview , assist in analyzing and creating exit interview report 参与离职面谈,协助分析离职原因,形成离职报告
An exit interview can yield valuable information about the state of your company 一个辞职后的约见,可以得到有关公司现状的价值信息。
If the decision is made to terminate the employee , the human resources department will conduct an exit interview 如果决定要解雇员工,人力资源部门须与员工进行离职面谈。
Prepare reports , such as turnover report , headcount summaries , exit interview summaries , etc . analyzes data and makes recommendations to management based upon analysis 提供各种统计报告,包括员工流失统计、员工数统计、离职面试统计等,对数据进行分析并在此基础上向管理层提出建议。
Besides , urban listens to the voice from our employees through different channels such as employee opinion survey , exit interview , employee suggestion and employee grievances channels in order to collect their opinions and understand their expectations 此外,富城集团会从多角度聆听员工的心声,包括进行周年员工意见调查员工离职意见会面建立员工建议制度员工投诉处理制度等,务求集思广益,透彻了解员工的所思所想。
Design and implement recruiting plan , including build and maintain the recruiting channel , set up / update / implement the recruiting process , publish and post the open position internal and external , screen resume and arrange interview ; prepare analysis report on staffing including turn over rate , hc status , interview data , etc . ; conduct exit interview with records 制定并实施招聘计划,包括招聘渠道的建立和维护,招聘流程的设立,更新及实施,空缺职位的信息发布,简历的筛选及面试安排等;制作包括流失率报告,面试等数据的分析报表;实施离职面谈并做记录。